Ultra-wide vs. Dual Monitors

June 20, 2022

Ultra-wide vs. Dual Monitors: Which is best for your setup?

Are you tired of only being able to view a limited amount of content on your computer screen? Do you want to increase your productivity by having more screen real-estate? If so, it's time to consider upgrading your monitor(s) to either ultra-wide or dual monitors.

What is an Ultra-wide Monitor?

An ultra-wide monitor is a display that has an aspect ratio of 21:9 or greater. This means that the screen is wider than a regular monitor and can fit more content on it. The most common resolutions for ultra-wide monitors are 2560x1080, 3440x1440, and 3840x1600.

What are Dual Monitors?

Dual monitors are simply two separate monitors connected to a computer. They can be two identical monitors or two different ones. When using dual monitors, you can extend your desktop and have separate applications on each screen. Common resolutions for dual monitors are 1920x1080 or 2560x1440.



One of the main advantages of ultra-wide monitors is productivity. With more screen real-estate, users can have more applications open without constantly switching between tabs. Dual monitors also allow for more applications to be open at the same time but can be limited by the user's peripheral vision. Ultra-wide monitors are more immersive and offer a better experience when gaming or watching movies due to their wider aspect ratio.


When it comes to cost, dual monitors are generally cheaper than ultra-wide monitors. Instead of purchasing one expensive monitor, users can purchase two less expensive ones. However, this does mean that users need to invest in a desk-mount and ensure that they have enough space on their desk.


Ultra-wide monitors often have a higher resolution than dual monitors. This means that users can see more detail and have a clearer image. However, the performance of a computer may also be limited by the resolution of an ultra-wide monitor, resulting in the need for a more powerful graphics card.


Deciding between ultra-wide and dual monitors is a decision that should be based on personal preference and intended use. Ultra-wide monitors are great for individuals who require a lot of screen real-estate, while dual monitors are better for those who require multiple applications open but don't want to invest in an expensive monitor.

Whichever option you choose, ensure that it fits your budget and desk space. Remember, a monitor is an asset that will serve you for a long time so invest in one that meets your needs.


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